Travel Through Time

At least you don’t have to bring your own toilet paper any more.  How many suitcases we used to take. Now we go around the world with one carry on bag. If you need something you can buy whatever you need wherever you are. And thank goodness for Purell.

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With the advent of railroads, Englishman Thomas Cook was credited with pre booking the first public adventure. It was a win win win situation for the public, the train company and of course, him. We homo sapiens have been seeking adventure since swinging through the trees in Africa. Fortunately, it’s gotten a little more convenient and refined along the way.

Young and old people seek new experiences. It’s in our DNA. Learning about other cultures is eye opening, alarming, satisfying, beautiful, ugly, tasty, disgusting, new and illuminating. Learning that people do things differently teaches us that we are unique and similar at the same time. That one culture lives their lives so differently than we do at the same time in history will never stop confounding me.

As a young adult, my goal was see every continent and explore every major river. Today, I have photographs of the seven continents hanging on a wall plus a hundred pictures of the different cultures that sprang up along the world’s major rivers. The world seems so small, just a dot in the universe, until you sit on an airplane for 36 hours to get from the US to Thailand. Or drive to Disneyland with whining kids.

Yet, 10 years ago, I met a man in South Carolina who leaned against his tractor in a tobacco field, his arms crossed over his red plaid shirt. “Why travel?” He said. “I got everything I need within 5 miles of here.” I scoffed to myself. I was a world traveler. Now, after seeing the world, and the mess it’s in today, I think I might agree with him. The only difference is that I know what’s out there and how it compares to life here.  Am I happier, better, or smarter than he is? Dunno. The theory of relative happiness has always alluded me.

Today, with so many miles and exotic meals behind me, I think of him. I too have everything I need within five miles of my home. I am traveling closer to home these days, but my mind and memory is full of a world that connects me when I read or see a picture about people in Africa, India, Russia, Nepal, Antarctica, Texas.

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You know, it wasn’t until the 1950’s that air travel became available to the general public. Before that it was for the well heeled. People dressed in their Sunday best to board a plane. Service was special and elaborate. Steak, tablecloths, napkins with a buttonhole to attach to your shirt, silverware, crystal glasses, pretty, happy, young, single stewardesses. The old 747’s had an upstairs bar. I think many people joined the Mile High Club as a result of drinking in those celestial cocktail lounges.There were fewer places to go, but getting there was a real treat. Today, airplane meals, seats, and service have shrunk, but they are more affordable and go almost anywhere your heart desires. And you can show up in your flip flops or GoGo’s.

Screen Shot 2016-05-02 at 10.48.01 AM       Air Emirates First Class Cabin. Beam me up.

Twenty three years ago, I flew from Moscow, USSR to Kiev, Ukraine. It was a single aisle Aeroflot flight. Once in the air, the passengers on the left side of the aisle were permitted to smoke. When the announcement came on people lit up on both sides of the aisle. The food was terrible. Dessert was a dried piece of something that resembled a Tootsie Roll with the wrapper half off. Today, we pay for a small bag of snacks. They’re salty or sweet, but they’re clean and taste good. Today we’re told to wipe our tray tables with Purell and whatever you do, don’t touch anything in the bathroom. What do you want for a buck ninety eight fifty?

Back then we had relationships with our travel agents. Today we stare quietly at a screen, searching for hours for the best deals, only to write about them on Tripadvisor. We have a relationship with strangers all over the world sharing their views on the Internet. Who are these people that I am relying on for the perfect vacation?

Back then, we had reams of paperwork for a trip. Today, we can board a plane and pre arrange the music and temperature of our hotel room and open the door to paradise with our smartphones. We don’t need to talk to registration desk clerks who want us to upgrade at the last moment for a better experience. We used to stuff everything we wanted into as many bags as needed. Today, there are specialty shops and discount big boxes wherever you go so you can pick up natural herbal whitening toothpaste just up the road apiece.

People in the past traveled for trade, exploration, wealth and new natural resources. Many people stayed where they were. Maybe they had everything they needed within 5 miles of their home. Maybe they never caught the bug. Maybe they were content. Me? I’m saving my money and my GoGo’s for my first trip into outer space.


Hair, The Struggle is Real. Part One. The Basics.

“I am my hair.” I couldn’t agree more with this Lady Gaga lyric. Personally, my hair is my number one priority. The problem is that my hair has a personality of its own. No matter what I want it to do, it doesn’t do I want it to. If I want to curl my hair, it curls too much. If I want to wear it flat, it decides to be puff up. I’ve been at war with my hair for as long as I can remember.

This post has been in the works for a long time; there is just too much information to share, so we will have a Hair “series.” How much information could there possibly be on hair care you may ask? Surprisingly, a lot. In this series, I will be focusing on natural care vs commercial care. When I say natural care, I mean that I will share wonderful ways to keep your hair healthy with things you can find in your kitchen, garden or any grocery store. Commercial care refers to branded products, like  Pantene, Serum, etc. This series of posts will cover the basics and first steps to obtaining healthier hair, naturally.


There are several things we need to know about dealing with our hair to proceed. Porosity, type, dryness, water hardness, and what type of weather will be affecting it.

Porosity. Knowing your hair porosity is key to determining what ingredients work best for your mane. Lack of moisture causes frizz, dry and dull hair. It’s the outer layer of your hair, the hair cuticle that determines its ability to absorb and hold moisture. Not your hair texture. There are two ways of knowing your hair porosity.

hair porosity

One way is to get a clear glass of water and drop a strand of hair in the cup. You don’t have to pull a hair out of your head. A strand from one of your brushes will work. If the hair sinks right away you have high (raised) porosity, if it takes a long time its low (compact) porosity. Normal porosity is somewhere in the middle.


Carefully section off a very small group of strands of your hair.  Next, take the group of strands between two fingers and begin to slide your fingers up toward the roots.The more ruffles your hair makes, the more porous your hair is. Low porosity hair will allow your fingers to slide up easily without out ruffling. High porosity hair will feel rough and ruffle all the way up.

hair porosity 2

Water hardness The simple definition of water hardness is the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water.

Hard water is high in dissolved minerals, both calcium and magnesium.

Soft water has fewer minerals. The mineral content comes from the type of rocks the water has been filtered through underground. It has nothing to do with water quality.    

To find out what type of water you have, you can ask your water company, many have it on their websites. A different way is to take a jar or glass and half fill it with water and leave it for a few days. If there’s a white ring on the glass then the water is hard.

Once you have all the questions answered you can start understanding what your hair needs and how to care for it properly.

Simple things to change from your routine that can and will improve your hair healths:

*Switch your pillowcase to a Satin/Silk pillowcase. Why? This will control the frizz caused by moving around, rubbing your head on the pillowcase while you sleep. I took it a step further and bought some silk and made a head wrap that I wear every night, and every morning I wake up with really shiny hair.

*Protect your hair from sun, wind and humidity. If the sun is shining bright like a diamond or if it’s windy outside wear a hat or scarf. Make sure to cover your hair. Too much flowing around in the wind can tangle your hair and the excess sun is as damaging for your hair as it is on your skin.

*Avoid heat. Your hair can withstand a temperature of 450F before burning or becoming damaged. Simply using heat does not automatically mean that your hair is or will become damaged. In most cases, healthy hair will only experience heat damage with excessive use of heat or using heat appliances at temperatures of 450F or more. When your hair is damaged by heat, it’s permanently damaged.

*Avoid hot water. Warm water is ok. Test the water on the back of your hand, if it burns then it’s too hot for your hair. Really hot water strips your hair from it’s natural sebum, resulting in dry hair.

*Rinse with cold water. When you are done “washing” your hair, make sure the last rinse is with cold water, this will seal the pores on your hair, making your hair less prone to frizz and getting tangled.

*Avoid hair ties. Hair ties, depending on the material can cause more damage than you are aware off, from split ends to mayor breakage.

*Switch up your hair part. When first learned this I was shocked and at the same time it made sense. I had never changed my hair part. Once I did, I noticed the difference. One, by changing your hair part you will add more volume to your hair. It’s all right, go to the mirror and check. I’ll wait.


See, amazing! Another reason is that by changing your hair part you are giving your hair follicles a break. The more you wet your hair on the same part, the more the hair wears down in that area causing breakage. This can help of those suffering from alopecia. Alopecia is spotty baldness, sometimes associated with autoimmune diseases.

*Brush with fingers or switch to a boar bristle brush. Sebum is the oil that is produced by our skin in order to protect and moisturize our skin and hair. We want to let our natural sebum condition our hair as much as possible.  Brushing with a boar bristle brush (bbb) moves the sebum down the hair shaft so that it can condition from root to tip. The best bbbs have a mixture of boar and nylon bristles.  For thick hair mixed bristles are probably essential.  Brushing your hair with your finger does the same effect as the boar bristle brush. Just make sure you are gentle and that you de-tangle starting at the ends and working your way up.

*Massage scalp. By massaging your scalp you are promoting circulation,therefore promoting sebum production and hair growth.

*Use coconut oil or olive oil instead of commercial sebum (anti-frizz drops). Do not use oil before heat styling your hair. Oil plus heat will burn your hair, cook it actually. Also, just a drop, depending on the length of your hair. Too much oil will give you the wet hair look. Oil is also hard to remove from hair.

*Avoid washing hair on rainy/humid days. Your hair porosity affects this, if you have high porosity I highly recommend you cover your hair completely when going outside, if it’s a humid day or a rainy day, any moisture in the humid air will cause it to slowly revert to its natural curly or wavy state and most likely frizz up. When the air is humid,high levels of hydrogen are present.  When hydrogen bonds form between the proteins and water molecules in your hair, it will become curly and, potentially, frizzy.

*Avoid combing your hair when it’s wet. Your hair is at it’s most delicate state when it’s wet. Therefore, it is more prone to breakage.

Now here is where things start to take a dramatic change. The next step I took for wonderful hair was to quit chemicals. As in I don’t use commercial products on my hair. You have probably heard of it, they call it No poo. Some people say they quit shampoo and everyone judges and think that the person is either cray cray or nasty. But, it goes further than quitting shampoo, we didn’t quit shampoo, we quit commercial products drowning in chemicals. But, we are not getting into that in this post. That’s for another time. If you are impatient and want to learn more on NO poo, just ask your good ol’ friend Google. In the meantime you can shampoo (commercial) less, or co wash. Co-washing is when you “wash” your hair with conditioner only. Some people alternate between Commercial Shampoo and commercial conditioner. You can also go Low-poo, which is when you buy commercial products that are organic and that don’t contain any of the following ingredients:

No sulfates – Sulfates strip the hair, often resulting in damage. Avoid any ingredient that includes the word “Sulfate.” Methosulfates and other ingredients that start with “sulf” like sulfonates, and sulfosuccinates are ok.

No silicones – Silicones do nothing except conceal damage, they coat the hair making it  shiny and smooth, but they do not provide any benefit beyond appearance. Avoid ingredients ending in -cone, -xane, -zane or –conol.

No parabens – Parabens are known endocrine disruptors and are possibly linked to an increased cancer risk. Avoid any ingredients ending in paraben, such as Methylparaben and other combination words.

There is a lot of information in this post. Please take your time to re-read and research what you might be confused about to ensure you do the right thing by your hair. I am not promising the end of bad hair days. But I assure you you will notice the difference and who knows maybe it will be the end of bad hair days for you. I warn you, it’s not easy and it takes time. It all depends on the amount of damage you have unintentionally done to your hair. I had to cut around 10 inches of mine to get rid of most of the permanent damage. I am still testing new things on my hair, I have not reached hair nirvana, but i feel like i’m getting pretty close to it. During winter you will be happier with your hair, this applies to everyone that lives in humid places. During the summer, at least in NYC it’s a bit of a bigger struggle because we have extremely humid summers. I traveled to Oregon at the end of summer last year, that’s the high desert, there i experienced hair nirvana, hahaha. Any who, going back to basics is not always a drag, in this case you won’t regret it. Just think of what beautiful hair indigenous people had/have and they didn’t have access to all the beauty products we have now. We have come far with technology and modern medicine, but we got there by studying the basics, by extracting nutrients from the basics. All i am suggesting is to go to the source of the nutrients, chances are you will have better results.

Here are my results so far, i’m still experimenting, and i couldn’t be happier. First picture is from Nov 2015 and the last two pictures are from two weeks ago. I started more than a year ago. This were the most appropriate pictures.

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Please visit our Pinterest “Hairy” board for list of oils, DIY hair masks and more. Don’t forget to come back and check for our next posts. You can also search for #getthegogos on social media for more information. 


Research Links

I <3 Valentine's Day

Vanessa Diffenbaugh wrote The Language of Flowers. According to goodreads, it’s  “A mesmerizing, moving, and elegantly written debut novel. The Language of Flowers beautifully weaves past and present, creating a vivid portrait of an unforgettable woman whose gift for flowers helps her change the lives of others even as she struggles to overcome her own troubled past.”

What’s even more interesting about the book is how the characters use flowers to express themselves. There is a whole world of communication out there that is wrapped in beautiful, colored petals. Here are some examples of the colors and flowers you may want to consider for a Valentine bouquet before you hit send.


Blue flowers, like iris, hydrangeas and hyacinths, calm your worries. They represent openness and serenity. They provide a cooling antidote to anxiety.

Pink flowers, for example, tulips, azaleas, begonias suggest gentility, happiness, youth, innocence and joy.


Purple petals suggest dignity, pride, success, accomplishment and admiration. Purple flowers include verbena, lavender, clematis and bellflower.

Red flowers, so often sent for Valentine’s Day, are of course roses, carnations, red anemone, gladiolus, and orchids. Red flowers signify desire, strength, passionate love, beauty, courage and heat.

White flowers connote innocence, humility, reverence, modesty and elegance. Examples include orchids, carnations, lilies, sedum, Sea Holly, and white bleeding hearts.

Yellow flowers say joy, light heartedness, friendship, new beginnings and happiness. Yellow flowers are daisies, dahlias, tulips, Lady Slipper orchids, roses, snapdragons and daffodils.

If you want to send flowers to someone who is grieving or to whom you are grateful and experience heartfelt sincerity, you might consider poppies, orange sparaxis, orange ranunculus, and Zinnias.

Green flowers like Bells of Ireland, seeded eucalyptus, dragon orchids, ornamental kale and sage will send a message of nature, health, resilience and good fortune. They also suggest optimism and renewal.

So this Valentine’s Day, when you send flowers to someone, you can send the message in the vase.  No note needed. You may want to attach a copy of The Language of Flowers, or a meaning of flowers dictionary. That way, the lucky recipient can read the inscription and say, “I knew it was from you.”


Flowers are a wonderful way to communicate how you feel. And you can have a great time figuring out which ones to send to that special person in your life. There are beautiful and rich sites online to peruse to help you decide. The language of flowers site is useful to help you pick colors and meaning and also to see what Princess Kate Middleton chose for her wedding.


Foodie Up!

Remember the time where you assumed everything “organic” was safe to eat? Yes, believe it or not, there was a time when you didn’t have to ask how the chickens were raised or what the cows were fed or which brand of pesticide was used on the crops. Everything was safe to eat. Organic didn’t mean it cost five extra dollars.

Remember too, when people raised their own livestock and grew their own food? Of course you don’t. But, after people stopped being self sufficient, they bought their food at a succession of stores. There were corner butchers and greengrocers where you told the clerk behind the counter what you needed and he would get it for you, wrap it up, and ask how your family is doing. In hard times, he would run a tab for your family in hopes of getting paid later. People loved their grocers and had personal relationships with the man behind the counter. Today, we seldom carry cash and pay for everything with credit cards in order to get points or miles.

Groceterias, like cafeterias, popped up in the early 1900’s. Piggly Wiggly in Memphis, TN, and Alpha Beta in Southern California were the first self-service food stores in America. In the 1920’s, Kroger and the like started offering home delivery and charge accounts. In 1926, Charles Merrill of Merrill Lynch, brokered deals that resulted in the Safeway stores. The 1950’s and 60’s became the golden age of supermarkets only to be chipped away by big discounters. After that, in the 80’s, market segmentation opened up new upscale venues for companies like Whole Foods in Austin, Texas, while discounters served the general public. Know anybody from Rochester, NY? Even when they move away, they keep their Wegman’s loyalty cards on their keychains

In fact, some people like to grocery shop as much or more than shop for clothes, shoes, makeup and accessories. Food shopping and cooking have become sports, you can watch cooking shows, competitive cooking shows, travel cooking shows 24/7 on TV, like Anthony Bourdain, Cupcake Wars, Doughnut Showdown, or Kids Cook-off. You can also read about cooking in newspapers, magazines and online. The New York Times Cooking website is fabulous. The updated Timpano recipe (Big Night) looks like delicious fun. Some people have files, notebooks and saved recipe files on their computers, not to mention cooking blogs. Some enthusiasts, and restaurateurs, read cookbooks when they’re not even cooking.

Specialty stores like Zabar’s, Dean and DeLuca, Fig and Olive, and Li-Lac  helped make shopping less of a hunt. The best of the best, no – even better because you found it, makes the pursuit worthwhile.

You couldn’t find what you were looking at the specialty store? Do not fret. Just go to websites like Fresh Direct or Pea Pod, select what you want, have the clerk pick it out, (new?) and delivered to your door. In some apartment buildings these days, the delivery truck can probably take the elevator right to your floor. Better yet, in some minds, if you don’t feel like planning a meal, there are companies that will do that for you. Hello Fresh and Blue Apron will deliver a box of your choice to your door that includes recipe and ingredients. You just wash, chop and cook. Can’t argue that this isn’t home cooking.

Still too much work for a Thursday night? A friend’s motto is “if it takes longer to cook than to eat, I’m not making it.” If that describes your MO, innovative upstarts have just the ticket. Many New Yorkers love this choice the most. Grubhub. Seamless. With one click on your phone, you can order out from your favorite restaurants, and if you are starting to feel cabin fever, you can click on “pick up,” put your Gogo’s on, and walk to the restaurant to pick up your dinner.

Remember the days when you had to make a reservation at an expensive restaurant to impress your date? As if choosing the right restaurant wasn’t hard enough, then you had to plan an activity to keep your date entertained. These days, reservations are hard to get and.or unaffordable. Are you a big romantic with a small budget? Order dinner from Blue Apron, cook a delicious meal, dim the lights and turn on Netflix. You did your work. Time to chill.

But like fashion, some things come back. Currently people are returning to farmers markets or Community Supported Agriculture (CSA’s). Why? They offer fresh organic veggies from local farmers at normal affordable prices. You can help your community vs. major corporations and you are getting delicious fresh veggies handled with love by an honest farmer. Or at least that what they tell us.. Usually, both farmer’s markets and CSA’s are right in your neighborhood. If you are not aware of them, try a quick google search and find the one nearest you.


Winter VS Summer

Winter VS Summer

Rare London black circle skirt
$66 –

A line shirt

Padded parka
$62 –

Valentino pointy-toe pumps
$700 –

Gucci tote purse
$2,180 –

La Cartella man satchel bag
$230 –

Armenta oval pendant

Marc by Marc Jacobs bow jewelry
$49 –

Carolina Amato lined glove

Thick scarve

Wooden umbrella

JFR tech accessory
$29 –

Seascape Summer

Dreaming of Summer Days!

Dreaming of Summer Days!

Tea party dress
$29 –

Blumarine tie belt

Fendi pink handbag
$1,365 –

Rolex crown jewelry

Wood umbrella

Dreaming of Summer Days!

Dreaming of Summer Days!

Tall top
$27 –

Jolie Moi white skirt

EF Collection band ring
$1,760 –

Fendi sunglasses
$350 –

Bubble umbrella

Apple iphone case
$30 –

Same old, same old? Not this time.

Let’s see, last we spoke, ah yes, it was Christmas.  Did all your dreams came true? No? Don’t feel bad. No one gets all their dreams come true in one day. Not even that rich blonde in the glacier blue Mercedes. Even she has problems.

But tut tut, it’s time to move on to the big one. The one that condenses your year into one big night. The one that measures your success and self worth. Namely: Do you have a date for New Year’s Eve?

Years ago, we struggled all Q3 to make sure we had a date the last day of Q4. What a waste of time and virginity. Today, if you don’t have a date, you are in good company and have the potential to have lots of fun. Going out in groups or tribes, is fun, safer, and let’s you still find someone sober enough to talk to come midnight. Samantha Pridgeon, massage therapist/owner of Body Elemental has a different view. She said, “For me, comfy clothing and staying in with my honey, an espresso martini, a smoochy movie and the Exploding Kittens card game will do. But sign me up for that glittery mascara… for everyday wear!”

But let’s get on with the going out. Sometimes, it’s more fun than the party. And it will be this year if you opt for glitter. Glitter anything, but the most sensational thingy is glitter shoes.  Note: glittery flats and heels are saved when you venture out in bad weather with your GoGo’s.

If you do choose the glittery route, be sure to pick it carefully, a top or bottom, or bag, or eyeshadow.  Notice the word OR here. Too much of a good thing is — too much. Make a statement, not a mistake.

Big night out with the love of your life? Strappy sandals and chandelier earrings?  Can’t wear either all night. They hurt and wear you down. Wear them for the opening moments, first impressions, then slowly trim your sails. Hosting a dinner party? Wear strappy stilettos to welcome everyone, then quietly slip into cute two tone flats and an apron to finish making dinner. Works out great. Your feet will thank you.

What to wear?  If your little black dress still works for you, punch it up with some bold color.  Put your hair in a bun. This year it’s on top of your head, not Audrey Hepburn style at the nape of the neck. Add a ribbon, feathers or rhinestones to catch some color and attention. It is NYE after all. Short hair? How about streaking it with glitter mascara.  Hard Candy has the most colors.

It lasts for one to two washings, so why not? Oh and here’s a good tip for your makeup. UD, Urban Decay’s All Nighter makeup setting spray keeps you from checking into the mirror every hour. It’s like hairspray for your face.

Keep it easy. Keep it simple. Pick one way to punch it up and have fun with it. It’s NYE. Not a freak show. Show you’re fun and with the program, just not the main event. Keeping your expectations in line will help assure you a successful evening. And life for that matter.

Speaking of your life, it’s not too soon to start lining up your resolutions. Weight, gym, family, work. Yeah yeah yeah.  We’ve all done that. This time, let’s do it right, in a way that works for you.

It’s not hard, except for the part about being really honest with yourself. Oh, come now. You can do it. If it’s that tough, enlist a friend who will work with you and help keep you on track.

So here’s the plan: Make a grid on paper or on your computer. Along the top, put in the categories of your life that currently matter to you.  Family, Friends, Money, Travel, Career, Piano, whatever you want.

Down the side, put in 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, lifetime. Then fill in a goal for each category and each time frame. No? Okay, one example: in five years, learn the piano and give a recital at work/school/Nordstrom in between the escalators. More? Ask for a raise in 6 months. Then figure out the resources you need to help you get there, like finding a piano teacher who will work with your schedule and budget. Or finding a mentor at work to guide you toward your next promotion. Finding the mentor could be a 1 or 6 month goal. Your choice. Your life. Don’t show it to anyone. You can change it whenever you want, and it will change your life.

Some of your resolutions may reappear year after year.  Do not fret. Do not give up. It only means that you are a work in progress. Now that’s something to celebrate.

For your inner techy, there are apps to help you do basically the same thing. Strides,, Goal Tracker and Level Money will help you monitor your progress. Operative word here is progress.

If this sounds like too much too soon, go find the perfect outfit to wear December 31.  Let me know how that works for you.

Make it a Good, Happy, Healthy New Year.

And don’t forget your GoGo’s.



Christmas. A time for warm hearts, charity, generous gifts, red, white and green sweaters,, with the prize’s going is glowing candles and laughing children tumbling through wrapping paper and bows like fallen leaves. This may have been the essence of Christmas since it, along with the Christmas tree, was popularized in America in the 1850’s, but when FDR moved Thanksgiving one week earlier in 1939, to accommodate retailers who needed more time to sell their goods, Christmas took on a life of its own.
Today, Christmas remains a time of unity and community. It defines us and our nation. Christmas brings the best of us together and helps us put life’s nasty little details aside for a few weeks. And it’s an excuse to go all out for those we love. Like us. And let’s be honest here. Me.

Christmas is when we share time and love with the people who are special to us. And did I mention gifts?
73596-050-ed701261Thomas Nast’s famous depiction of Santa Claus appeared in Harper’s Weekly in 1881

Back then, in the spirit of our blog, gifts might consist of treats and sweets, decorations for the tree, and for those most endeared, gold jewelry or an exquisite fountain pen.

By the 1950’s, after the wars, people could afford to be a little more extravagant. Magazines and newspapers could advertise – oh no – liquor and even cigarettes.

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Yardley perfume, Motorola radios were two of the must haves of the day. “Must have,” of course, was not part of the vernacular.

Boys got new shoes, dad got a tie, girls got a pretty dress, maybe a doll, and mom got something to cook or clean with, alas.

The pandemonium that is Christmas today was a long time in the making. But here we are. And am I glad. That means a new smartphone out there has my name on it. So does a humongous TV that will listen to me when I talk.

Aside from electronics, gadgets and gear, perfume, clothing and jewelry, I find that for the people in your life who think they have everything, experiences make the best gift. A night in a B&B, tickets to a concert or game.  A personalized playlist with a ginger candle for a Sunday brunch. A cool book like Chris Scott Wilson’s BackStage Pass Red Car Jazz Club, or here it is…

A snow polo experience offered by Moda Operandi with Nacho Figueras at the St. Regis Aspen Resort. He’s yours for the experience for $7785. So long smartphone.

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Of course there are other ways to celebrate. Some people like the idea of giving personalized gifts, handmade and handcrafted especially for the recipient.  Often they give a personal service like extra babysitting time, back scratching and/or a foot massage. The gift certificate could be a stocking stuffer or a message in a small beautifully wrapped box.

And like last year, ugly Christmas sweaters reign as the hot Christmas theme party. Invite your friends to wear the ugliest Christmas sweater for silly prizes for the worst of the worst.

For many years we have had a White Elephant Christmas Party for special friends. You give or rewrap a gift that you think is the worst, stupidest, tackiest, or just plain bad gift that you can come up with. For 4 years, I was giving away wedding presents that I couldn’t return. It’s crucial that the gift wrap is beautifully done so the package entices the recipient who gets to choose the gift by a lottery. Pick a number and go in order. #1 picks from the pile of gifts.  #2 has a choice of picking #1’s gift or picking from the gift pile. If #2 picks #1’s present, then #1 gets to choose again from the pile. And merrily we roll down the line. After doing this for years, some people have ended up with their own original gifts.  More often than not, the box is nicer than the gift. Remember: one person’s trash is another person’s treasure…sometimes. It is all done in good spirit with good food and drinks. We also take a vote on the worst gift. For us, it’s more fun than Secret Santa.

So whatever your Christmas theme, party, or way of celebrating – or if you have no theme and you have no intention in taking part at all, Happy Days to everyone.

Holiday Travel and Travails

Well, we got through Thanksgiving. Still grateful for that. Miss it actually. It kind of came and went so quickly. Even the leftovers. Hopefully we remembered some of the things we are grateful for like the fact that Christmas is coming next and we will get a chance to see more people during the season than many of us see in a year.

According to AAA, 47.9 million people just traveled more than 50 miles to share Thanksgiving with someone worth the trip.

AAA expects about 98 million of your closest friends and relatives to hit the road for Christmas. That’s a lot of luggage and fruit cake, not to mention the cards, gifts and warm memories and eggnog to be made. In the spirit of what’s old is new again, it can be entertaining to remember how people used to travel – holidays or not.

Many people have always loved sharing the holidays with people they know for a long time and people they love. (They aren’t always the same, alas). People used to pack their clothes in steamer trunks and hat boxes and jewelry boxes with their  hard covers and handles. It took a long time to reach their destinations so they wanted to make the most of it and usually stayed for weeks. Today, twelve days is considered a long vacation. Back then, packing for weeks with so many different kinds of events meant that organizing your wardrobe was a three day affair. Black tie events, parties, more parties. PIcnics. Many with the same people. This meant that mix and match wouldn’t make it. Oh, all the accessories. If you watched Scandal recently, you saw how each outfit in Olivia Pope’s First Mistress’ closet was set out with shoes and all appropriate accessories. Traveling back then required the same attention to detail, let alone calendars filled with parties, programs and events. Tissue paper separated garments to keep them fresh and pressed. Good thing the rich people with steamer trunks had someone to do their packing. Or not.

But let’s skip to the not so olden days. We still packed travel irons with abbreviated handles, hair dryers, some with adaptors for foreign countries, sewing kits, suit hangers and books. Just the weight of it all. In the better hotels, men used to put their brogues outside their doors and in the morning, their shoes would be there all cleaned and What does it mean?. Women went to the hotel beauty parlor to prepare for the evening event. They didn’t have blow bars. Women used curling irons and rollers. They sat under hair dryers that looked like metal helmets while a uniformed manicurist filed and buffed their nails.

Packing today is so different. We throw or roll up a bunch of bottoms and tops. Some may match, some not. We throw them into soft sided, light weight bags to avoid checking them and paying even more money to the airlines. What we do pack carefully are electronics and chargers.

Still, there are some important basics to remember so you are not left out in the cold:

  • Roll your own – clothes that is – to save space and don’t laugh, ironing. Right.
  • Pack important and expensive items like jewelry and medications in your carry on, or on your person.
  • Pack items you may need in case your luggage, should you check it gets lost.
  • Be prepared for security checks. Do you really want to walk barefoot in an airport security line? Yuck. Actually, that’s a good place to have your GoGo’s ready. Or, you can wear them barefoot while security check, better than flip flops.
  • Make sure your passport is valid. Some countries, like South Africa, require you to have 6 months longer than your departure date. Always check ahead with the State Department.
  • Check the weather. Weather Underground/ Wunderground a great source. I have used often and always have the right clothes. Others do not. Sorry for them.
  • Keep copies of your passport in a different place. Also your identity papers in case your wallet is lost or stolen, which happens a lot while taking pictures of exotic sights. Or Aunt Edith after her 4th eggnog.
  • Bring baggies for wet bathing suits, muddy hiking boots or leftovers. Also so creams don’t mush out all over your toothbrush.
  • Reading materials (more electronics) It’s great that Kindle doesn’t require WiFi on board. Viewing materials.
  • Snacks and breakfast bars/energy bars. You never know.
  • PIN numbers for credit cards in many countries.  While the US is starting to use chips, miraculously, we are not requiring PIN numbers yet. The banks are requiring the chips. It’s up to the retailers to ask for PINS. So it goes.
  • Stuff socks into shoes.  doesn’t make sense to me  Wear the heaviest shoes in transit. Stuff gifts into your GoGo’s especially if they are the gift.  Lucky person, that one.
  • Pack two days ahead. The day before your trip, take out half of what you packed out because you need to
  • LEAVE ROOM FOR GIFTS AND SOUVENIRS on the way home. Take one of those bags that fold into 3 inch squares.


Remember this:

Nothing is perfect. Not even the trip you planned so carefully 6 months ago. When it hits the fan, and it will, you can smile and think to yourself, “ah, this is the one,” and go on from there. Happy, full of the warmth and joy you were seeking for yourself and the ones you love.
Happy Holidays everybody.  And don’t forget your Gogo’s.